Are you putting your personal assets at risk?
Are you putting your personal assets at risk?
One tool that the Risk Mangers at Brown Insurance Group use is an in-depth study of private middle market companies nationwide. Because of the valid statistics and benchmarking data, our clients are informed about the risks they face as owners and officers of a private company. However, like everything else, Brown Insurance Group is also equipped to give you the tools you need to combat these trends. Call or email me today to obtain a complimentary copy of the private company survey. You can also download it here. This information just may save your assets.
Download Your Scorecard Now!
Workers Compensation, Property Insurance, General Liability, Commercial Auto and More!
Brown Insurance Group's process invokes 360 degree risk management accountability, 365 days a year. With many companies being caught in the “commodity trap” 90 days before their renewal date, insurance and risk management end up becoming a foregone conclusion once the exhausting renewal process is over.